13. Christ's Cross Creates Godly Husbands (1 Peter 3:7)

May 16, 2021    David Schrock    1 Peter

On Sunday we will finish our two-part series on the roles of wives and husbands in marriage. If you missed last week’s message, you can listen here, as it provides a set up for 1 Peter 3:7.

This week, we will devote our time to Peter's instructions to husbands. Though, he only gives one verse to husbands, Peter's theologically informed instructions will give us — especially husbands — much to consider and apply to bless and serve our wives.

As you prepare for Sunday, take time to read over 1 Peter 2–3 again and pray for God to continue to conform our church body into the image of Christ.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. And remember, we will plan to gather outside at 8:30am for service and 10:30am for Sunday School.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions for 1 Peter 3:7

1. What does it mean for husbands to live with their wives in an understanding way? How does “according to knowledge”flesh out that instruction?
2. Notice the honor that is due to the wife (3:7). Consider also the honor that is commanded in 2:17. What basis does Peter give for this honor?
3. How should “weaker vessel” be read and understood? How could this be misused?
4. How should 1 Peter shape your view of marriage?
5. What is the grace of life? Why is it gracious? What does this reveal about God?
6. How should being co-heirs of grace shape the relationship between a husband and his wife?
7. If the honor given to a wife is an affirmation of her identity as a recipient of God’s grace, what distortion is brought into marriage when a husband dishonors his wife?
8. How is the husband’s relationship to his wife connected to the reception of his / their prayers? How should we understand the relationship of our sins to our prayers?
9. Where is the good news in these verses (1 Peter 3:1–7)? How does marriage function as a representation of the gospel?

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