8. A Priestly Calling: Crossing the Dividing Line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:1-12)
When Christ entered Jerusalem, many cheered and many others jeered. And ever since his triumphal entry, he has divided humanity by means of his gospel of grace.
This Sunday we will consider the way Christ splits humanity and how to find our identity in him. In 1 Peter 2:1-12 we find a whole heap of identity markers for Christians along with instructions for living as children of God, living stones, and holy priests.
In preparation for Sunday, read 1 Peter 2 and pray for God to strengthen us in our identity in Christ such that we can proclaim his excellencies even with great opposition to Christ. For as we will see, Christ’s enemies still exist today and we are called to love them, such that they might be brought from darkness and death to life. And this is all for the glory of the one who loves us!
May God have mercy on us all as we gather to worship him this Sunday.
For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for 1 Peter 2:1-12
1. How does 2:1-3 connect with the previous context of the new birth (1:22-25)? What does it look like for the Christian to hunger for, taste, drink, and grow? Have you seen this in your own growth in Christ?
2. Consider Jesus (vv. 4-8). What is the relationship of Jesus to the church?
3. Consider Jesus (v. 4). What truths of Christ become true for those who are in Christ (vv. 5, 9)
4. How is Peter reading and using the Old Testament?
5. What kind of life and ministry should flow from the saints identity in Christ?
6. What does it look like for the church to live as sojourners and exiles?
7. “When they speak against you as evildoers.” How does the world speak of the church in this way? How is Peter equipping the church for this event?
8. How ought we to respond to these realities of our identity in Christ?