Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Occoquan Bible Church supports the work of the Great Commission both locally and abroad in the following ways:
- Life First is our local pro-life ministry here in Prince William County. We love how Life First prioritizes the ministry of the gospel and partners with local churches. They are faithful in upholding the sanctity of life while loving and caring for those in our community.
- Pete & Sharon McMillan are church-planting in Madrid, Spain. Pete pastors at Iglesia Bíblica Vida Nueva Madrid.
- Gunnar & Svava Gunnarsson are church-planting in Reykjavik, Iceland (pictured above). Gunnar serves as pastor at Lofstofan Baptistkirkja and gives leadership to the Iceland Project.
- We support additional missionaries that remain unlisted because they serve in sensitive regions.
- The International Mission Board is the missions agency of the Southern Baptist Convention. We gladly support them as they carry out the work of the Great Commission around the world.