10. Sojourners and Citizens under the Lordship of Christ (1 Peter 2:11-17)
Dear OBC Family,
“Submit to government. Live as people who are free. Love the fellowship. Fear God.” How do these fit together, and what does it look like for us to be faithful as servants of the Lord? This Sunday we will consider the Lordship of Christ, our temporary status as sojourners and exiles, and the Christian’s relationship to church and state.
Sunday’s worship services will be indoors at 8:30 and 11:00am, and Sunday School and Discover OBC will meet at 10:00am.
I look forward to seeing you then. May the Lord be glorified in our church family!
Pastor Ben
Discussion & Response Questions for 1 Peter 2:11-17
1. How does the Christian’s status as a sojourner and exile relate to the Lordship of Christ and submission to human government?
2. Consider the apostle Peter’s life and ministry. In what ways did he live out submission to government?
3. How is the Lordship of Christ the basis for our submission to others?
4. What responsibility is given to government? What does submission look like? (2:14, 20; 4:15)
5. What is the intended effect of honorable conduct and righteous living (2:12, 15)? Is it possible to live in such a way that one does not suffer persecution? (2:12, 15; 3:13-7; 4:3-5, 12-14)
6. How is the fear of God distinct from the honor due to human government?
7. Notice Peter’s emphasis on loving the “brotherhood” (our fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ). How is this related to the other imperatives of verse 17?
8. How does being a servant connect with the freedom we have in Christ? What is this freedom for? Do you consider yourself to be a servant of God (v. 16)? Why or why not?
9. How should the gospel shape our submission to government, our love for the church, and our fear of God?