We're  a  Family  of  Believers

C E N T E R E D   O N   T H E   G O S P E L

Sunday School at 9:00am and  Sunday Worship at 10:00am. 

1 Corinthians 15:3-4
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins
in accordance with the Scriptures,
that he was buried,
that he was raised on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.

Blog Updates

Upcoming Movie Night: Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood
May 8th, 2024
As we continue in our Genesis sermon series, we invite you to join us on Sunday, May 26 for an evening screening of Is Genesis History? Mountains After the Flood. The film screening will be held in the sanctuary, beginning at 6:00pm. Watch the Trailer Film Description“What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that...
Getting to Know the Gospel of Mark
May 7th, 2024
This week OBC's Men's Ministry is beginning the Gospel of Mark in our Men’s Bible Reading Groups. For more about this, you can review this blog post. Pray with us that the Lord would bless our fellowship in the Word over these next few months.Below you will find our reading schedule and some additional resources that will serve you well as you begin to read and study the Gospel of Mark. Even if yo...
Commissioning Sunday
April 19th, 2024
In Acts 13:1–3, the church in Antioch gathered to worship the Lord. And as they worshiped, the Holy Spirit identified Barnabas and Saul for missionary service. On Sunday, we have the chance to participate in this missionary drama too. For the last 13 years the Comoglio family have been faithful members of our church. During that time, Ron has served as an elder for nearly a decade. However, in the...
New Sunday School Series: First Principles for Bible Reading
April 19th, 2024
We all need to grow in our understanding of God’s Word, and we want to do our best “to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). We want to be faithful readers and interpreters of it, so that we might know the truth, guard the truth, and accurately share it with others....


Sermon Media Library

We invite you to listen to the preaching and teaching ministry of Occoquan Bible Church. Here you can access our media library of sermons , classes, and more.

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