11. Sojourners and Servants under the Lordship of Christ (1 Peter 2:18-25)
This Sunday in 1 Peter we will continue to study relationships under the Lordship of Christ, and we will study Peter's words of instruction to servants in 1 Peter 2:18-25.
As we consider this text, we will examine the significant differences between today and first century household law of the first century, and how the sufferings of Christ give us a pattern to follow when we suffer for the sake of righteousness.
Discussion & Response Questions
1 Peter 2:18-25
1. How does the Lordship of Christ and the Christian's identity as a God's servant shape one's subjection to masters?
2. What are some of the key differences between first century household law and our present day?
3. Can you think of any biblical examples where servants had to navigate ethical dilemmas in order to obey God?
4. What can we infer about the unjust suffering Peter describes in 1 Peter 2:19-20? What does this reveal about the Lordship of Christ and the Christian's freedom?
5. Consider the shape of the passage, and its repetition of "this is a gracious thing" (vv. 19-20). What does this mean?
6. The suffering servant is to be mindful of God (v. 19), knowing that God sees (v. 20). How can one be mindful of God during suffering? Why is this important?
7. Have you faced ethical dilemmas at work where you have had to choose between your employer's directions and corporate policy versus God's commands? What does it look like to hold to the supremacy of Christ?
8. How might you encourage and counsel those facing hardship under their employers?
9. What is your expectation when it comes to suffering? Do you expect to suffer for Christ?
10. What implications does Christ's suffering (and his response to it) have for our sufferings?
11. What do verses 22-25 teach us about Christ's work at the cross? How should we understand this healing (v. 24)?