Salvation & Judgment From Zion to Zambia: An International Comedy (Isaiah 13-27)

Nov 20, 2022    David Schrock

Has the Bible ever made you mad? Have you ever stopped reading the Bible because you couldn’t understand it? Are there parts of the Bible that you avoid because they are too difficult to comprehend? I have.

A number of years ago Isaiah 13–27 was one of those places. Or rather, it was somewhere in Isaiah 13-19. Reading those chapters, with their endless judgments against ancient foreign powers, I put the Bible away, because it made no sense. After all, what does Moab have to do with me?

Fast forward two decades, and I can say that these chapters are some of the most exhilarating chapters in the Bible, if only we take the time to read all of them. On Sunday, we will do just that. Or actually, we won’t read them all, but we will look at them all.

Isaiah 13–27 is a single unit, broken into three main sections, maybe four (13-19 / 20 / 21-23 + 24-27). On Sunday, we will look at each major section, to see the way that God in his perfect righteousness judges sin and saves sinners. This is the theme of the whole book, and it is the good news for the whole world.

Take time to read or listen to as much as you can of Isaiah 13–27 before Sunday. We will be moving quickly again, but I trust it will be an exhilarating ride. Let’s pray that God would continue to show us his mercy as we study the whole canon of scripture.

As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

For His Glory and your joy in Christ,

Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions for Isaiah 13 – 27Have you read Isaiah 13–27 before? How have you read it – chapter by chapter, or as one total unit? How does reading strategy help us (mis)understand the Bible?What is the big picture of Isaiah 13–27? Water evidence is for the big picture?In Isaiah, salvation and judgment or two inseparable themes. Where do we see that in these chapters?There are two sets of five oracles, Isaiah 13–19 and Isaiah 21–23. What is similar about these lists? What is different?What is the purpose of Isaiah 20? What do we learn from this chapter that applies today? Or doesn’t apply!Isaiah 24–27 is filled with good news. What did those chapters teach you about your salvation? What is personally encouraging?What was the most difficult thing to understand in these chapters? What would you like to look at more in the future?What have you learned about God in this series so far? What have you learned about man? Salvation? Jesus Christ?