New Creation for the New Year, or The Anointed Savior Will Gather The Nations and Restore Zion (Isai

Jan 1, 2023    David Schrock

At the end of the year, we often find ourselves tying up loose ends. Maybe it's taking the last of your vacation days, finishing up a 2022 project, or checking in to see if you completed your New Years Resolutions—you know, the one from January 1, 2022. For us, at OBC, we will finish the year (and start the new year) by looking at the last part of Isaiah.

Since November, we’ve been seeing how the Lord promised to bring salvation to the world, and in the birth of Christ we have celebrated Salvation’s arrival. Now, as we come to the first day of the new year (Sunday is January 1), we will finish Isaiah and its promise of a new creation. Indeed, Sunday we will start the new year with a focus on the new creation.

In doing this, we will tie up some loose ends from Isaiah, showing how the whole book fits together and leads us to Christ and the New Jerusalem. What better way to begin 2023?

To prepare for our last look at Isaiah, take time to read Isaiah 65–66. That’s where we will be going on Sunday. As you ring in the new year, check out those chapters (or all of Isaiah 55–66) and pray that God would bless us as we gather to bless his holy name. As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

May the Lord be glorified as we begin the new year worshiping him.

For His Glory and your joy in Jesus,

Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions for Isaiah 55 – 66

1. What has been eye-opening in reading / studying Isaiah?

2. What has been the most difficult part to grasp?

3. The next time you read Isaiah, how will you read it differently? (Why can’t you read Isaiah like John or Paul?)

4. What is the main point of Isaiah 55–66? How does it relate to Isaiah 49–54? And the beginning of Isaiah?

5. Who is the Spirit-anointed Savior? How do these “Spirit songs” anticipate the coming of Christ?

6. What does Isaiah 55–66 teach you about God? About humanity? About God’s plans for salvation and judgment?

7. What is final vision for humanity—for Israel and the nations? How does Zion play a part of that vision?

8. How is the church already experiencing Zion? See Hebrews 12:22–24.

9. What is the new creation? Is the new creation present? Future? Or both?

10. As you approach the new year, what promises of God are you hoping in?