Faith, Hope, Love, and a True Savior: Four Questions of Life and Death (Isaiah 36-39)

Dec 4, 2022    David Schrock

In Isaiah, the middle of the book presents us with a series of question: Will you trust God when you are under threat? Will you turn to God when your life is in peril? Will you see God’s discipline as an act of love? And will you celebrate when you escape harm, but your children do not?

Truly, the book of Isaiah is not only one that foretells the coming of the messiah. It is also one that calls us to trust in the God who promised to send his Son as our messiah. In the events of Hezekiah’s life, which take center stage in Isaiah 36-39, we find an example of how one man trusted God and then failed to trust God. Indeed, Isaiah 36–39 is both a living parable for believers and a series of historical events that moves the story along in Isaiah’s long book.

This Sunday we will examine these four chapters to learn how to have faith, hope, and love in the midst of hard times. And we will see how the promises of a righteous king are momentarily visible in Hezekiah before they are not. Again, the whole book of Isaiah is moving towards the birth of Christ. And this Sunday, we will see how that is true and how the story of God’s salvation invites us to trust more deeply in the God who brought us salvation in Jesus.

To prepare for Sunday, please read these four chapters and pray that God would show himself to us as we come to him for all of our needs. As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you this Lord’s Day.

For His Glory and your joy in Christ,

Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions for Isaiah 36 – 39

1. Now that we have come to the middle of Isaiah, what have been some of the big take aways so far?

2. In these historical chapters, what are some of the key events that have taken place? Why might these chapters not follow historical chronology?

3. How do these chapters transition the book from first half of Isaiah to the second? (Hint: What countries are mentioned?)

4. What do we learn about trusting God in Isaiah 36?

5. What are the ways Satan tempts us to doubt God? Do these schemes ever change?

6. What do we learn about prayer in Isaiah 37? How does Hezekiah’s prayer motivate you to pray?

7. What do we learn about God’s love in Isaiah 38?

8. When you pray for healing, how should you pray? Compare Isaiah 38 to 3 John 2.

9. What is the problem in Isaiah 39? What does this teach us about Hezekiah?

10. How do these chapters prepare us for the coming of Christ?

11. What else do these chapters teach us about God? Man? Salvation?