Seeing the Glory of God's Salvation and Judgment (Isaiah 1-12)
This Sunday we begin our new Advent series, The Seed of the Woman: The Story of Isaiah’s Immanuel. If you haven’t begun the reading plan, it’s not too late. You can find an explanation and a daily reading schedule here. Additionally, you can find a host of resources on my blog to help you get the most of Isaiah.
Yet before jumping to Isaiah, you might be asking, Why Isaiah? The answer is simple: Isaiah is the Fifth Gospel which prepares the way for the good news of Jesus Christ. Indeed, long before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Holy Spirit inspired Isaiah to pen one of the most glorious depictions of the coming Christ. And for the next six weeks, we are going to follow Isaiah’s message until we come to celebrate the birth of Christ.
This Sunday we will begin that journey as we look at Isaiah 1–12. To help you see what is in the passage, you may find this blog helpful. In the weeks ahead, it is my hope to keep providing some resources as we read Isaiah together. We will link to those in upcoming Friday emails.
As for this Sunday, please pray for our time. May God give us a fresh sense of his grace and glory as we gather together. In preparation, take a look (or a listen) at Isaiah 1–12. It will help you as we take a look at these introductory chapters. On Sunday, I won’t read everything in these chapters. Instead, like a tour guide, I will show the main points and draw some connections to Christ and ourselves. So, the more you read ahead, the more you will catch the turns in Isaiah’s Gospel.
That is our plan. And Lord willing, I will see you on Sunday as we journey together from the beginning of Isaiah to the one who existed before the beginning and yet who entered in time, when he was born in Bethlehem.
For His Glory and your joy in Jesus,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for Isaiah 1 – 12
1. When you think of Isaiah what comes to mind? What verses, truths, or questions?
2. What’s the difference between knowing verses from Isaiah and knowing the message of Isaiah?
3. Why does knowing the message of Isaiah, and not just parts or portions of the book, matter?
4. What’s the first step in discerning the message of Isaiah? How can you learn the structure of a book?
5. What is the basic arrangement of Isaiah? How do the first 12 chapters help find the book’s message?
6. When is Isaiah written (1:1)? What is going on in Israel / Judah at that time? What is the role of a prophet in Israel?
7. Where does the prophesy begin (1:2–20)? What are the problems in Israel?
8. What is the solution to the problem? What is Isaiah’s role?
9. Where do we find hope in Isaiah 1–12? How do the visions of glory (2:1–5; 4:2–6) fit together with the promise of a coming messiah (7:14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5)?
10. How does the theme of offspring hold the chapters together (see 6:13; 7:14; 9:6–7; 11:1-5)?
11. What do we learn about God and his plan of salvation?
12. How does this approach to Isaiah encourage or challenge you in reading Isaiah and the rest of Scripture?