The Good Shepherd's Sheep: A Scary Life of Seeing and Seeking Jesus (John 6:16-24)

May 1, 2022    David Schrock

It’s not easy being a sheep. You are not in charge of your own life. You are in constant need of protection. You don’t always know where your next meal will come from. And you are easily injured, downcast, or exploited by others.

Such is the life of a sheep.

And yet, here we are. In the Bible, God’s people are sheep. Not mustangs. Nor dolphins. Nor canines. But sheep.

We are not the fastest, nor the smartest, nor the best friend of man. Instead, we are people desperately in need of a Shepherd to lead, feed, guide, and protect us. And thankfully, in Christ, we have such a Good Shepherd.

This Sunday, we will pick up this Shepherd theme again in John 6. Even more, as we watch the disciples struggle in the storm before Jesus walks on the water, we will dig deep into what it means to be a follower of Christ.

As you have time, read John 6. And if you want to see some of the background texts for John 6:16–24 take a look at Isaiah 43 and Psalm 107.

I am hopeful that Sunday’s message will help make sense of many struggles in our lives and will offer us much grace to embrace our sheepiness as we follow the Good Shepherd.

For His Glory and your joy in Christ,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions: John 6:16-24

1. How does knowing the background of the Exodus (Exodus-Numbers) play a key role in understanding John 6?
2. What does this background teach us about Christ? What is the main point of the chapter?
3. John 6:16–24 functions as more than a transition from one place to the next. What do we learn in these verses?
4. How does John 6:1–15 relate to John 6:16–24 and vice versa? In what ways is Jesus like Moses? In what ways is he not like Moses?
5. If Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10), how does John 6 teach us to follow him?
6. In your own life, how have you seen God lead you into danger, only to rescue you?
7. Why is it important to understand that part of God’s good shepherding includes danger, affliction, and scarcity?
8. What have you learned about God through your various dangers, toils, and snares?
9. If and when you don’t feel God’s presence, what should you do?
10. What other questions or encouragements does John 6 give you?