A Tale of Two Fishermen: Jesus, Peter, and the Mission of God
A whole sermon about fishing, really? In a word, yes.
This Sunday we are going to go fishing with Jesus and on the shores of Galilee we are going to see how Jesus turns a handful of fishermen into fishers of men. And remarkably, what we will see is not just a clever turn of phrase, but a glorious fulfillment of prophetic witness.
Indeed, the Old Testament is filled with places that speak about fishing and in two places in particular (Jer. 16:16–21; Ezek. 47:1–12) we find promises that Jesus fulfills in John 21. As you prepare for Sunday, take time to read John 21, as well as these Old Testament passages. On Sunday, we will see how John shows the arrival of God’s kingdom through the fish, the fishing, and the fisherman in John 21.
As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
For His Glory and your joy in Christ,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for John 21:1 – 14
Fill in the gap between John 20 to John 21. How does the scene change from the disciples being in the Upper Room in Jerusalem?
What does John continue to highlight in these verses? What repeats? How does that reveal his focus?
As we read this narrative, elements of this story echo earlier events in the Gospels. Compare John 21 with Matthew 4:18-22. What is similar? What is different? How do they relate to OT prophecies (Jeremiah 16 and Ezekiel 47)?
If Matthew 4:18–22 connects most explicitly to Jeremiah 16:16–21, how does John 21 apply Ezekiel 47:1–12?
If John is applying Ezekiel 47 to Jesus’s catch of fish, how does that relate to the building of the temple and the outpouring of the Spirit?
What is Jesus teaching his disciples? What about Jesus is being revealed to us?
How should we respond to this text?
What is the mission for us? Is it the same or different from the apostles?
What encouragement does this passage give you?