Glory, Grace, and Gospel: Seeing the Glory of the Triune God (John 17)
Few places in the Bible are more glorious than the prayer of Jesus in John 17. Not only does it show us how Jesus prays for his disciples and us!! But it also reveals the relationship between the Father and the Son.
On Sunday, we will take the first pass through this chapter as we consider the the glory, grace, and gospel of our Triune God. As you have time, read John 17 and then read it again. It’s that good!
Also, as we prepare for Sunday please pray for the youth who are “retreating” in the mountains and for all of us as we gather to worship the Lord.
As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we see the glories of the gospel in John 17.
For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for John 17
1. What is the context of John 17? And how does it fit with what Jesus said in John 13-16?
2. In Jesus’s prayer, what do we learn about the Father, Son, and Spirit?
3. What do we learn about Jesus’s mission on earth? How does this relate to eternity past?
4. What is the glory of God revealed in this passage, and how does the work of Christ glorify the Father? And reciprocally, how does the Father glorify the Son?
5. What are somethings that we learn about grace in this passage? Think: Who? When? What? Why? How?
6. What is the relationship between this prayer and the ongoing ministry of the Spirit and the church?
7. How does this prayer fuel the gospel? And how does the gospel glorify the grace of God?
8. What else did you learn about God in this passage? And how does that knowledge build faith and motivate your own prayer?