On the Cross: Seven Snapshots of Salvation (John 19:16-42)
On Sunday, we enter Holy Week. Beginning with Palm Sunday, we are called to remember all that Christ did, said, and suffered on the way to his cross.
If you want to reflect on these pivotal days, you can use this PDF to see the key events in each Gospel. It is a 40-Day reading plan that is keyed to Andreas Köstenberger and Justin Taylor’s The Final Days of Jesus. Even if you can’t cram 40-days into a week ;-), you can use the OT selections to see the backdrop of the events, especially those reference in John 19.
John 19:16-42 is the place where we will spend our Sunday. Over the course of these 27 verses, we will see seven snapshots from the cross of Christ. In each, they will help us to know Christ and the meaning of his cross. As you have time, read these verses and pray for the cross of Christ to be a word of hope for all of us, but especially for those who do not yet know Christ as their Savior.
As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you Sunday. I missed being at OBC last week and it is my greatest joy to return home to worship Christ with our family of faith. We have so many things to celebrate every Sunday, but especially during Holy Week. May the Lord be praised in our gathering, and as we approach Easter, may we prayerfully consider who to invite to hear the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection.
As a reminder, the Community Group scheduled for our overflow seating is the Manassas Community Group.
If our parking lot is filled to maximum capacity, we encourage you to take advantage of the overflow parking along the shoulder of Springwoods Drive, and also at Old Bridge Veterinary Hospital.
For His Glory and your joy in Jesus,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for John 19:17 – 27
How is John presenting Jesus to us in John 19? How does the location of the crucifixion inform our understanding?
What might we observe about Jesus’ kingship? His priesthood? His sacrifice?
Consider the “behold” statements of verses 26-27.
What reason does John give for this testimony about Jesus’ crucifixion? (See verse 35)
Notice the repetition about fulfilling the Scriptures (vv. 24, 28, 36, 37).
What does this passage reveal about Jesus? What Scriptures have been fulfilled? Consider the following texts:
Ps 22:18
Ps 69:21
Ex 12:46; Num 9:12
Zech 12:10
In what ways is Jesus our Passover Lamb? (See also 1 Cor 5:7)
How should John 10:17-18 shape how we understand John 19:30?
What do you think is significant about the water and the blood in verse 34?
How might the temple theme in John’s Gospel, as well as Genesis 2:21–23 inform our reading?
How should we respond to this text?