The New Commandment (John 13:31-35)
This week we will continue in the Gospel of John, and we will look at Jesus’ opening words of instruction as he begins to teach his disciples in the Upper Room.
In this short section (John 13:31-35), we will consider the glory of Jesus, his impending departure, and the new commandment he gives to his disciples. I invite you to read the text in advance, and pray that the Lord would give us eyes to understand how we have been loved by Jesus, and how we then are to go and love one another.
With many of our sisters away at OBC’s Women’s Retreat, here are a few things to note for this Saturday and Sunday:
The Men’s Breakfast has been moved to Sat, Nov 12.
There will be no Sunday School this Sunday, but we will gather for worship at 10:00am as usual.
On an unrelated note, please remember to change your clocks and “fall back” one hour as Daylight Savings Time ends this Saturday.
I look forward to gathering with you to worship the Lord this Sunday!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Ben
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discussion & Response Questions for John 13:31-35
What is the context of this teaching by Jesus?
What is the glory of God?
How would you explain the glory of the Son of Man?
How does Jesus glorify the Father, and how will he be glorified by the Father?
Where is the command to love found in the Bible? What is new and unique about this command by Jesus?
How have you seen this command distorted? Why is it essential that the Scripture (and not our cultural context) gives us our definitions?
How would you describe the love of Jesus?
What does this love look like in the church as we rightly love one another?
What is the effect of the church loving one another rightly?
How might you grow in knowing the love of Christ?
How do you think you might grow in loving your church family?