John 14:15-31
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
These are some of the most comforting words in the Bible. They were first spoken to Joshua and later applied to all those who trust in Jesus Christ, the greater Joshua (Heb. 13:6). And they are very similar to words we find in John 14:18, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Together, these verses are ones we should commit to memory or meditate on with regularity.
Still, a question should be asked: How do we know that these words are true? Have not all of us faced relationships where the promiser broke his word? Have we not experienced times with God when it felt like his promise was uncertain? Or that his plans led to greater harm than good?
Indeed, experience is wonderful teacher, but a terrible master. And yet, we are prone to trust our experiences more than God’s promise. And when that happens, we lose all manner of peace and the knowledge of God’s love.
This Sunday we will address this very thing and as we look at Jon 14:15–31. In the second half of this chapter, we will see how the Son’s unbreakable union with the Father is the foundation of the promise of God’s unbreakable grace to us—that is, to those who trust him and believe his Word.
To prepare for Sunday, take time to read John 14. It is filled with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. From our triune Creator, we find a message of sustaining grace and love. And on Sunday, we will dive into this glorious chapter. Pray for our time in the Word and for those who join us.
**Last Sunday, we had the added joy of an 70 people — at least by comparison to the previous week. This reminds us all to look for ways to keep open seats “open,” and hospitality as a gracious priority.**
In all, let us look with anticipation to gathering for worship on Sunday and remembering why we can trust God and his unbreakable promise of love and peace.
As the Lord allows, I hope to see you on Sunday.
For God’s glory and your joy in Christ,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for John 14:15-31
Jesus continues to teach about his departure. What does he emphasize in this section of teaching?
What are the three sections of John 14:15–31? How does seeing this arrangement help make sense of these verses?
Across these three sections, love is a key theme. What do we learn about loving Jesus? (See v. 15, 21, 23-24, 28).
How does Jesus comfort their troubled hearts again? (See v. 27, and look back to v. 1).
What does Jesus reveal about the Holy Spirit? How do they know him?
As Jesus speaks about his departure, what does he promise to the disciples?
What distinctions does Jesus draw between the world and his disciples? What role does the Word play in this distinction?
What important differences should we note between the Father and Son’s unity, and the union that is shared between Jesus’ disciples and himself? How can we avoid error when speaking about God? (Hint: All language about God is analogical).
Who will send the Spirit? Why will the Spirit be sent? What will the Spirit do?
What is Jesus seeking to accomplish in his disciples by this instruction?
How ought we to respond to these truths?