The Light that Brings Eternal Life (John 3:1-21)
Sermon Introduction
Flex and obey,
for there’s no other way,
to be happy in Jesus,
but to flex and obey.
Years ago, when I worked as a church janitor, this was a song I learned from my supervisor. And it’s happy revision of the faithful song, “Trust and Obey,” comes to mind as I think about this last week.
As Christians, we always submit ourselves to the sovereign plans of God (Prov. 16:1, 9), and when we do we give grace to the Lord when he confirms the work of our hands (Ps. 90:17). Last Sunday, the Lord was kind to OBC in numerous ways. Not only did he permit our church to gather, in person, with singing, and Scripture, but he permitted us to hear the entire book of Hebrews. Even more, as I have heard from so many, it really was a unique, encouraging, and Christ-exalting sermon. Hallelujah!
At the same time that OBC was gathering, I was being treated for the throat condition that prevented me from gathering with you and preaching. Should you want to hear how all that played out and how God answered your prayers, you can read the blog here. It also reflects on the goodness of having multiple pastors, reading Scripture in service, and trusting in the sufficiency of God’s Word.
Additionally, last week’s single gathering previewed what we will begin in earnest this week. If you haven’t read the email (sent on Wednesday night), please check out the details for Sunday’s service. For the foreseeable future, we plan to have one service on Sunday mornings. This week, we will gather for Sunday School at 9:00AM, followed by service at 10:00AM. Again, all the details are in the previous email, including a few logistical keys—like helping new families and others to find places to sit.
Finally, as we prepare for Sunday, please pray for the youth who leave for their retreat today. And pray that we get to start John 3. I am planning to preach and I am excited to do so. Still, am reminded afresh at how our plans are always in the Lord’s hands. So let us prayer with earnestness to hear his Word Sunday, and that he would grant us the chance to hear John 3.
Until then, thank you for all of your prayers for me and for your grace in being flexible and following your elders as we seek to follow Christ.
With gratefulness to God for the body of Christ at OBC,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions
What does it mean for one to be born again (or born from above)? See also John 1:13, and 1 Peter 1:3-5.
What truths from the Old Testament should Nicodemus understand, which should shape his understanding of what it means to be born again?
How should we understand the water in John 3:5? How should we not understand it? See John 4:14; 7:38; Ezek 36:25-27.
What spiritual realities are communicated in v. 8 as the Holy Spirit’s work is compared to the wind?
Review Numbers 21 and the story of the bronze serpent. How should this inform Nicodemus and our understanding of being born again?
How does the story of the bronze serpent shape our understanding of John 3:16-21?
How should we understand John 3:19-21? See also John 1:13.
How should we respond to this text? For those who believe, how might we respond? For those who do not believe, how would you encourage them to respond?