Blessed are the Un-Offended: For They Are the Elect of God (John 6:60-71)

May 22, 2022    David Schrock

If the gospel is defined as the good news about Jesus Christ, the message of his death and resurrection should be confused with "soft” news.

In other words, the goodness of the gospel is not like K-Love's positive, encouraging new stories. Instead, the good news of God is a message that must deal with the hardness of the human heart and the depravity of the human race. Addressing men and women in such perilous conditions, it is not surprising that Jesus offers words that are hard. Hardened sinners need strong medicine, and Jesus words give us just what we need.

Indeed, John 6 might include some of the hardest sayings of Jesus, as many of his disciples say (v. 60). As a result, many of his disciples leave (v. 66). And yet, when they leave, Jesus does not bat an eye or change his approach. Instead, he offers an off ramp to his Twelve too.

What is he doing? What kind of Savior is Jesus that he is so willing to let his followers depart? What does it say about God and man that his words come across as so hard?

Such questions are the ones that either push people away from Jesus and draw them close. And this Sunday we will consider these kinds of questions. From John 6:60–71, we will learn that the words of Jesus are hard. But in their firmness we will find a solid foundation on which to build our lives. Truly, in a hard world, we need something harder on which to stand. And Jesus gives us that firm foundation.

If you want to walk with Jesus for all of eternity, therefore, John 6:60–69 is a passage with which you must come to grips. And this Sunday we will look at it together to bolster our faith.

In preparation for Sunday, take time to read John 6 again and pray that God would give us an unswerving commitment to follow Christ, hard sayings and all.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions: John 6:60-71
What does this text reveal about the words of Jesus?
What does this teach us about belief and unbelief? About the Spirit and flesh?
What distinctions would you make between the disciples who left Jesus, and the twelve?
Why would Jesus teach “hard sayings” knowing that some would turn away and no longer walk with him?
Many will decry giving offense, seeing anything that causes division negatively. Some will soften messages to keep people together, rather than addressing different issues. Biblically, how should we consider these things? What does biblical fidelity look like?
When is division necessary, and when should unity be preserved?
Consider Peter’s confession (vv. 68-69), and your confession. How did the Lord work to bring you to faith in Christ?
Compare and contrast the disciples’ question in verse 60, with Peter’s question in verse 68. What makes the difference between them? How is it that Peter is able to confess these things?
How do we see Father, Son, and Spirit working in this text?
How would you describe Jesus from this text?
How should we respond to these truths?