4. The Disciplined Life (Proverbs 3)

Jul 25, 2021    David Schrock    Proverbs

The prosperity gospel says that if you have enough faith, if you do what God says, if you follow his plans, he will bless you with earthly, material health and wealth. And when we read Proverbs 3:1–10, it sounds that such thinking is true. For instance, vv. 9–10 say, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

That sure sounds like a biblical promise that if you honor the Lord, he will honor you and overflow your barns. And that’s how many will preach such verses. But such a reading allegorizes the barns and vats into bank accounts and lifestyle comforts. It also fails to consider the context of Proverbs, reading the verses on their own. And it misses the way Proverbs 3 must be applied to Christ before it can be applied to us.

With those thoughts in mind, we can begin to see why Proverbs 3 does not support the prosperity gospel. Instead, as we will see on Sunday, these opening verses lead us to consider if we have ever PERFECTLY honored the Lord with our lives. And if not, then how can we expect any good thing? Indeed, wisdom literature does not just give us tips to receiving the blessed life; it recalls to mind our need for the salvation and sanctification.

Thankfully, when we read Proverbs 3 in context and in a way that brings us to Christ, we can see how these verses present the path of life, what to do when we leave that path, and how to walk in humility and grace when God redeems us and puts back on the path of life. That’s what we will see Sunday. And to prepare your heart for Sunday, take time to read Proverbs 3. Pray that God would give us wisdom to read his Word, wisdom to apply his Word, and wisdom to walk on the path of life that is found in Christ.

As the Lord directs our steps, I look forward to seeing you and worshiping our Lord with you. May God be praised in our gathering.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for Proverbs 3

1. When you come to poetry like Proverbs 3, how do you begin to organize it? Why does understanding it depend on seeing its order?
2. What is the organization of Proverbs 3? How do you see it?
3. When you realize that you have not qualified to receive God’s blessings, how do you avoid despair?
4. What is offered in Proverbs 3:1–10 and how do we receive it?
5. In the Proverbs, what shape does wisdom take?
6. Why do we need so much correction? How you receive correction?
7. What can you do to grow in wisdom via correction?
8. What is the relationship between wisdom and Christ, who is full of wisdom and understanding?
9. What do you learn after you have been corrected?
10. Why is humility so important for the Christian life? Why is it so attractive? Christlike?
11. In all the truth presented in Proverbs 3, what do you need to apply most?