3. A Secure House Needs a Good Foundation (Proverbs 2)

Jul 18, 2021    David Schrock    Proverbs

What will keep you from shipwrecking your life?

As blunt and discomforting as that question may be, it is better to know the pitfalls of life and how to stay on the path of wisdom, righteousness, and life. Ignoring life’s dangers, especially the threat of divine judgment, is a path to unspeakable sorrow and eternal loss. Therefore, the wise will listen to words that promise life and protection from ruin.

To the end of seeking eternal life, this Sunday we will learn how God’s Wisdom protects us from malicious men and wicked women here and now. At the same time, Proverbs 2 will show us how to avoid becoming malicious enemies of God and inviting his eternal judgment. Indeed, lest we think that a little education and a lot of hardwork will make us good people and secure a place for us in heaven, Proverbs has a different perspective.

And as we look at Proverbs 2 this Lord’s Day, we will learn that such life-giving wisdom is something we must seek and something God must give. For without such grace-empowered seeking, we will all make shipwreck of our lives. But thankfully, that path of death is not inevitable. Rather, in Christ, there is a way that leads to life. It is not hidden or mysterious. Rather, it is spoken plainly in Scripture, and this Sunday we will consider this truth.

To prepare for Sunday, please take time to read Proverbs 2, as well as Job 28. Together, these two chapters teach where wisdom comes from and why true wisdom is only found in the Lord.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday and to meditating of the wisdom of God, which he has given to us in his Word and in the Word made flesh.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David

Discussion & Response Questions for Proverbs 2

1. What role do we play in finding wisdom (vv. 1–5)? How are we called to search for Wisdom?
2. What role does God play in granting wisdom (vv. 6–11)?
3. What effect does seeking and finding wisdom have on our lives (vv. 12–19)?
4. Conversely, if we don’t find wisdom, what results will that have in our lives?
5. Why does the Father deliverance from men and women (vv. 12, 16)? What does that teach us about living wisely and walking in righteousness?
6. What is the ultimate result of applying this wisdom (vv. 20–22)? What if we don’t listen to this counsel?
7. Practically, how do you make sure you are walking in wisdom? What counselors are you listening to?
8. Do you let people challenge your actions / decisions? If not, why not? What happens to people who refuse godly counsel?
9. How do you make decisions in your lives? In what ways do you see elders and fellow church members as counselors?
10. Finally, what does Proverbs 2 have to say to the person who have made shipwreck of their life? Is there hope for him? How? Where?