2. This is the Way (Proverbs 1)
A father’s wise correction and Lady Wisdom’s sobering invitation. We need both. And this Sunday we will see both.
As we enter into the body of the Prologue of Proverbs, we will find two voices that repeat throughout the first nine chapters. The first voice is that of the father, who with his wife, are warning us to wake up and watch out for the tricksters and traps of this world. The other voice is that of Lady Wisdom, or wisdom personified. In Proverbs 1, we find her calling out in the city streets inviting the gullible to forsake their folly and to find life in Wisdom’s shelter.
To walk wisely with Christ and to avoid the death traps of this world, we need to hear both voices and to follow their lead. This Sunday, we will do just that as we see the wisdom they offer for this and the next. Come join us at 8:30am and 11:00am, as our weather looks to take us inside. And in preparation please take time to read Proverbs 1, praying that God would give us wisdom.
For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for Proverbs 1:8-33
1. Three times in this passage, a “son” is addressed (vv. 8, 10, 15)? And in one verse (v. 8), a father and mother are identified, but later it is typically the father. How should we understand and apply these gender specific identifications?
2. Consider Solomon’s call for his son to listen (vv. 8-9). How is a child adorned by hearing and keeping the instruction and teaching of parents?
3. What does Solomon’s warning to his son (vv. 10-19) teach about the nature of greed and unjust gain?
4. How is this instruction different from the moralism of “don’t do that”? What are the “why’s” and “how’s” offered by the father?
5. In verses 20-33, Solomon presents a personification of Wisdom. What do we learn from this way of speaking?
6. What does Wisdom offer? What does Wisdom warn?
7. Why do some ignore Wisdom? How does Wisdom further the divide in humanity?
8. Consider verses 31-33 in light of Genesis 3 and Romans 1. What does it mean for one to “eat the fruit of one’s way”?
9. What gospel connections do you see in this passage? Consider also Matthew 7:24-27 and Hebrews 12:1–18.