12. The Cross of Christ Demonstrates, Defines, and Diffuses the Love of God (1 John 4:7-12)

Nov 28, 2021    David Schrock

Where do you look when you don’t feel the love of God?

This Sunday we will look to 1 John 4 to answer that question. And what we will find is that the unchanging and objective work of God also has a personal and subjective application to all those who are in Christ. Indeed, the cross not only does something for us, it does something to us. And this Sunday we will see what that is.

To prepare for Sunday, take time to read 1 John. While our focus will be on 1 John 4:7–12, the whole book is aimed to give assurance to God’s people, all the while exposing unbelief. So take time to read and pray for our gathering.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday, as the Lord allows, and to worshipping Christ with you.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for 1 John 4
1. What have you learned so far this fall about the cross?
2. Why is it important to first see the cross as something Christ achieved (“It is finished”) before seeing it as something where God displays his love?
3. What does John say about love in 1 John 4?
4. In what ways is it difficult to know or embrace God’s love?
5. What does the cross teach us about God’s love? And how does it produce love in us?
6. How does the church, who is dedicated to the cross, show the love of God?
7. What else did you learn about the love of God?
8. Who needs to hear from you about the love of God?