5. The Shepherd-Lamb (John 10:1-30)
Dear OBC Family,
Over the past few weeks, we have turned our eyes to the cross as we look through the Scriptures to see how they point us to Jesus and his finished work. The ram substituted for Isaac in Genesis 22, the Passover lamb of Exodus 12-13, and the Day of Atonement of Leviticus 16 all point us forward to Christ’s cross. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, the once-and-for all sacrifice, and the substitutionary atonement for our sins.
This Sunday we will consider a variation on this theme, as we consider Christ our Shepherd. We know what it is to go astray, to be where we should not be, and be entangled or ensnared in sin. Some of us are hungry, for we have chosen poor pastures, which sicken instead of nourishing our souls with truth. You may feel lost, threatened, harassed, or helpless.
Yet we have great hope, for God is our shepherd. This Sunday we will consider different moments in redemptive history throughout the Scriptures, and turn our eyes to Christ our Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his flock. He is our Shepherd-King, and he is the Shepherd-Lamb.
I invite you to read John 10:1-30 in advance of this Sunday, and join us as we gather for worship at 8:30 and 11:00am.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Ben
1. How do you see God shepherding his covenant people throughout the Scriptures?
2. What are the responsibilities of a shepherd?
3. How do the shepherds of the Old Testament point forward to Christ (positively, and negatively)?
4. What does it mean that Jesus is the Good Shepherd? How is Jesus better than the shepherds who came before him? How is Jesus the true answer to Moses’ prayer in Numbers 27:17?
5. How does Jesus shepherd the church today?
6. What promises are true for Christ’s sheep?
7. How does Scripture instruct us in how to identify threats to the flock today? (False teachers, wolves, etc). What do they look like?
8. What are the means by which God shepherds his people today, and how have you seen the Lord shepherd you?
9. What is the significance of the change in language in Revelation (from shepherd to Lamb?)
10. As a sheep in Christ’s flock, how should we respond to Christ’s shepherding?