13. The Supremacy of Christ and His New Covenant (Hebrews 9)

Dec 5, 2021    David Schrock

As we come to the last message of our series on the cross, before considering the cradle and the cross of Christ (our Advent mini-series) we will return to the theme that we started with—the finished work of Christ.

If Christ declared that it was finished on the cross (John 19:30). And his crucifixion completed the work described in Psalm 22 (see v. 31). Then Hebrews 9 gives us another passage where the once and for all work of Christ is extolled and explained. In fact, in describing the ways that Christ is better than all the persons, events, and institutions that preceded him in Israel, Hebrews 9 explains how the cross works—both on earth and in heaven.

As you have time, read Hebrews 9 and pray that God would open our eyes to see all the ways that Christ fulfills all the types and shadows of the Old Testament. Indeed, all of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings point to Christ, and this Sunday, Lord willing, we will see how that works once and for all.

For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David

Discussion & Response Questions for Hebrews 9

1. What are the key components of the Levitical system of sacrifice? (Hint: there are four)

2. What do you know about each—the tabernacle, the priesthood, the sacrifices, and the covenant?

3. Why is it necessary to know these components of the sacrificial system, if you want to know the finished work of Christ?

4. How does Christ’s cross (and resurrection and ascension) fulfill the sacrificial system?

5. In what ways does Hebrews 9 depend upon and quote the Old Testament to explain Christ’s death and resurrection?

6. How is Christ better? Why is this good news for the Jewish followers of Christ? How is this good news for us?

7. What does it mean that Christ is the mediator of a new covenant?

8. What did the blood of Christ accomplish? Remember, the blood applies in two directions in Hebrews 9.

9. How does Christ purify heaven? How do we see that in the text? 

10. How does the inauguration of the new covenant and the exaltation of Christ into heaven change the world? And impact your life?