On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Getting to Know Earth, Heaven, Angels, Temples, and the Holy Spirit (Ge
Getting into the book of Genesis is like going on a long journey: It’s takes time to get there.
Equally, to make sure that we are going in the right direction, it is important to set our compasses the right way. And to do that, we are going to take another week to look at one verse. Genesis 1:2. This verse gives us the condition of the earth before the Lord speaks and it invites us to consider what the Lord is about to say in Genesis 1:3. Even more, when read this verse with the rest of the Bible, it suggests to us that when God speaks “Light” and everything else into existence, he is speaking from the place of his divine throne—namely, from heaven.
Indeed, heaven is a created place too. But it is one that is not detailed in Genesis 1. That said, there are some biblical truths we need to know about God, his heavenly temple, his angels, and his creative designs before we can go farther in Genesis 1. These are found by reading Genesis 1 with other passages like Psalm 104 and Job 38, which is what we will do on Sunday.
Therefore, to prepare for Sunday, take time to read these three chapters. On Sunday we will take another step in Genesis 1, as we continue to consider the creation and our Creator. Pray for our time together and that the light of God’s Word and the life of his Spirit would strengthen our faith as we gather together.
As the Lord the allows, I look forward to seeing you Sunday.
For His Glory and your joy in Christ,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions: Genesis 1:2
What creation is in view in vv. 2–31, beginning with v. 2?
Why doesn’t vv. 2–31 tell us about heaven? Does that mean God is silent about heaven?
What does the rest of Scripture tell us about God’s dwelling place?
What part do angels play in creation? Job 38:7.
How does verse 2 relate to verses 1 and 3?
What are the three pre-conditions of creation in v. 2? How do these three pre-conditions inform vv. 2–31?
How does v. 2 preview / prefigure the temple that God is going to build in creation?
What are the non-negotiables we must hold for an orthodox view of creation? What is second-tier?
What do we learn about God and his Spirit in v. 2? What hope does this give you in your life?
What role does the Spirit play in your new creation?