Beholding the Glory of God: How God Makes a Very Good Day Better (Gen 1:24-31)

Nov 5, 2023    David Schrock

This Sunday we come to the sixth day of the creation week as God fills the earth with life. This text is foundational for understanding who we are as human beings, and for understanding the role God has given to mankind on the earth. We will consider the significance of being created in the image of God, and how this sets humanity apart from all other creatures. In addition, as we see the first Adam’s dominion over the earth, and how this points us forward to the glory of the second Adam.

In preparation for worship this Sunday, I invite you to read Genesis 1:24-31 and our statement on the doctrine of man (Section III) in our Statement of Faith. Our doctrines of creation, race and ethnicity, the sanctity of life, gender, marriage, sexuality, and family are all undergirded by this foundational text in Genesis 1.

In addition, we also invite you to pray for our Men’s Retreat as we are currently retreating with the men of Arlington Baptist and Jefferson Park Baptist at Rapidan Baptist Camp. Pray that the Lord would bless our fellowship with one another and our time in 2 Peter. We will return on Saturday afternoon, and I look forward to our whole church family being together this Lord's Day.

For His Glory and your joy in Christ,

Pastor David


Discussion & Response Questions (Genesis 1:24-31)

What does Genesis 1:24-31 reveal about God as Creator?

Read through Genesis 1:24-31 and Section II (the doctrine of man) in our Statement of Faith. What doctrines are undergirded by Genesis 1:24-31?

What is the image of God? What is the significance of the image of God? 

What are the ethical implications of bearing the divine image?

Consider the commands of verse 28. What is the purpose of these commands?

What does the presence of work in creation reveal about the role of mankind in the world before the fall?

As descendants of Adam, what is our relationship to the commands given to Adam in Genesis 1?

How does God order relationships between mankind, creatures, and the earth? What is the purpose of God's Creation?

How does the first Adam lead us to the second Adam? Consider Psalm 8, Romans 5:12-14; and 1 Corinthians 15.

What parallels and contrasts do you observe between Genesis 1 and Revelation 21-22?