1. A Biblical Introduction to Economics

May 30, 2021    David Schrock    Economics

God’s House Rules: A Biblical Introduction to Economics Oikonomia

Join us Sunday for a new adult Sunday School class. In keeping with OBC's 2021 theme of 'Walking in Truth,’ we will be starting a five week study on economics. Only, this is not your typical Econ 101. Instead of studying things like the Laffer Curve and the impact of tariffs on trade (see this week’s blog post), we will be studying the rules of God’s house.

Economics is a word that comes from the greek Oikonomia, which is composed of two words—oikos which means house(hold) and nomos which means law/rules. In the New Testament oikonomia is used in various ways, from God’s plan in redemptive history (Eph. 1:10; 3:9) to the stewardship of a house manager (Luke 16:2ff.). In our study of economics, we will consider how God’s House Rules relate to God’s world and how those same rules inform the way we live, move, and make decisions with scarce resources.

In other words, because God’s Word informs all areas of life, we are going to consider what Scripture says about the morals involved in economic decisions and economic systems. God’s Word is not silent about things like government, central planning, socialism, and free markets. Rather, Scripture teaches us what God expects of us and how to live fruitful lives. To that end we will consider God’s Household Rules from the Scriptures and how those rules apply today.

For a longer introduction to this series, please see this week’s blog. Either way, I hope you will join us for this important class.

Pastors David Schrock and Jared Bridges