The Baptism of Noah: What the Waters of Judgement Have to Do with the Waters of Baptism
Dear OBC Family,
What does baptism have to do with the flood? Or to reverse it, what does the flood have to do with baptism?
This Sunday, we will discover that baptism is not simply an ordinance that divides churches—do we baptize infants, or only believers? (The answer is believers 😀). In answer to the question, baptism is actually the way God has decided to destroy sin and bring new life.
Baptism is something that every generation of God’s people have experienced. Baptism is also something that Christ himself does today, as he gives the waters of life from heaven when he ‘baptizes’ someone with the Holy Spirit. Churches follow suit with water baptism as they baptize on earth those who have been baptized from heaven.
Indeed, baptism is a major theme that runs through the whole Bible. And on Sunday, we will see how the waters of judgment in Genesis 7 serve as the headwaters for baptism in the Bible and even today.
To prepare for Sunday, take time to read Genesis 7-8, as well as 1 Peter 3. Notice how Peter looks to Noah to explain salvation with the baptism of Noah’s ark. And pray for God to pour out on us his living water.
As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you Sunday and worshiping the One who sits above the floods!
For His Glory and your joy in Christ,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions (Genesis 7:1–24)
What stands out to you after reading this text and listening to Sunday’s sermon?
What questions do you have?
As you read this text, remember that God is the primary actor here. What is God doing?
Consider the use of “God” (Elohim) and “LORD” (YHWH) in this passage. What do you notice?
What repetition do you notice?
What does this repetition highlight and emphasize in this history of the Flood?
What is the significance of the LORD shutting them into the ark?
Read 1 Peter 3:18–22. Consider the relationship between baptism and the Flood. What is Peter teaching?
Read 2 Peter 3:1–7. What are implications of the Flood for us today?
How ought we to respond to this text?