5. What is a Marriage?
‘Marriage … is what brings us … together …today’
This famous line from The Princess Bride reminds us just how many love stories—on screen, or in print, or in the Bible—center on a wedding, a marriage, and the union of a man and a woman. In Scripture too, the Bible begins and ends with a marriage. And along the way, the union of man and woman, plus the children God gives them, stands at the center of what God is doing in the world.
That being the case, we might think that the world would naturally understand what marriage is. And honestly, until "yesterday", the people made in God’s image did know what marriage was and is. That’s not to say that sexual sin was unknown in Corinth or homosexuality was not present in Rome. What it means is that marriage was a God-given institution that men and women entered into; it was not a plastic accessory to be made however one chose.
Yet today, marriage has become an expression of self rather than a shared union between a husband and wife. And accordingly, we need to define again what marriage is. As God created marriage, God’s Word is up for the task of defining marriage.
And so, this Sunday God’s Word about marriage is what brings us together. Indeed, the whole Bible gives us a picture of marriage but we will devote our time to Genesis 2.
To prepare for Sunday, please read that chapter and pray for God to be glorified as we set our minds on his plan for marriage—not just what we do in marriage, but what it is and what it is for. Pray for our time and for the marriages in our congregation. May the Lord continue to sanctify his bride as we gather to worship him.
As the Lord allows, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
As a reminder, the Manassas Community Group is in overflow this Sunday.
For His Glory and your joy,
Pastor David
Discussion & Response Questions for Genesis 2
What is Marriage?Who taught you about marriage is? What impact did your family
(If married and had pre-marriage counseling): What did you learn in pre-marriage counseling? Was it what marriage was? Or was it how to do have a good marriage?
What is missing if we try to improve marriage (think: 7 tips for a better communications) without understanding the nature of marriage?
What do we learn about marriage in Genesis 1–3? Why do we need to go back before the Fall (Gen 3) to define marriage?
Relatedly: How does Jesus answer questions about marriage (see Matthew 19)?
What changes about our understanding of marriage if we begin with God? If he creates marriage, what implications does that have?
What is marriage for? What is the relationship between the image of God, dominion over the earth, and marriage?
What happens when marriage is disconnected from having children? How might procreation be a truth we rehabilitate in the church?
How do you handle discussions about marriage, homosexuality, so called same sex marriage? How does a better grasp of Genesis 2 help you with that discussion?
Ultimately, why does this matter so much? What is the connection between marriage and the gospel? How is standing for marriage related to the gospel?