The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment (1 Cor 2:6-16)

Jan 16, 2022    Rod Fillinger

We live in a culture filled with the noise of competing voices. Facts are not self-interpreting and even “news sources” seem to have an agenda. We hear statements like “just follow the science,” but the course of action seems to defy all facts and logic. The solutions to problems that so-called experts advance seem to confuse more than clarify at best, and at worst they are wicked and ungodly courses of action. As Christians, how do we speak truth to one another, give counsel, and share the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How do we know how to answer the questions that confront us?

The answer provided in God’s Word is the discipline of spiritual discernment. Have you thought of discernment as a discipline? Do you take seriously the call to be mature as believers? What does that mean and how do you begin to practice the discipline of spiritual discernment? These are questions that we will consider this Sunday. Our text will be 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. Read and meditate on that passage in preparation for our time together.

May the Lord bless our time together as we seek to glorify him through growing in the discipline of spiritual discernment.

Pastor Rod
Discussion & Response Questions
What is spiritual maturity? How do we sometimes define it? How do we see it defined in 1 Cor 2?
What is wisdom? How is it different than knowledge? What Scripture would you refer to in order to explain the difference?
What is the connection between Spiritual maturity and love? Why is love a better indicator than knowledge of maturity? Why is knowledge necessary for love? (cf Phil 1:9)
How would you define discernment?
What is the difference between knowledge and discernment? What is the relationship between the two?
What are some marks of discernment? What are marks of a lack of discernment?
Why is it important for all believers to grow in maturity and discernment?
How do you practice growing in spiritual discernment?
Where are you strong in spiritual discernment? Where are you tempted to lack discernment and think like a “natural person”? What steps will you take to improve Scripture intake for the purpose of speaking with godly wisdom and discernment?