Maintenance Ministry

The maintenance ministry exists to glorify God and serve our church family by caring for the building and grounds of Occoquan Bible Church.
We seek to care for and upgrade our current facilities to bless our church family. It is our hope that a well maintained building will help our facilities remain welcoming for regular use, which includes making sure that the building and grounds are safe and free from hazards for members and guests. In addition, as members serve and use their gifts to care for the needs of the facility, this ministry of serving allows for more resources to be freed up to advance the work of the gospel.

If you know of a need, please let us know through the form below.

If You Would Like to Serve With Our Maintenance Ministry

If you are an OBC member and would like to serve with us, please let us know. We will share project needs with you, and you can be added to our ministry group in the OBC app.  We have a regularly changing list of of items to care for, and members can come in during the week to work on projects as schedules allow.

Thank you for your help as we work together to be good stewards of the facilities that the Lord has entrusted to us.