Occoquan Bible Church is a family of believers proclaiming the good news of Jesus to Northern Virginia.
We are located at 3700 Old Bridge Rd, Woodbridge, VA 22192.
Sunday School is at 9:00am and Worship is at 10:00am.
Blog Posts
Getting Back Into Genesis: An Introduction to Patriarchs and Promises
March 7th, 2025
This Sunday we return to the book of Genesis, and for the next few months we will be following the promises of God through the perils of the patriarchs.As we spent last year in Genesis 1–11, we learned that it is impossible to understand the work of God in his world without understanding the beginning. This includes creation (Genesis 1–2), fall (Genesis 3), and the pattern of salvation and judgmen...
Building up the Household
January 31st, 2025
On Sunday, we take the next step in thinking about ordering our lives around the altar of God’s worship. Three weeks ago, we considered how the altar takes priority over the city in the life of the Christian. Last Sunday, we looked at the way our watches are set by that worship. And this Sunday, we will begin to think about our households.Indeed, when God made the world, he created the universe to...
On Earth, As It Is in Heaven: Making Plans That Please the Lord
January 10th, 2025
Welcome to Quitter’s Day.Until this week, I didn’t even know that such a day existed. Sure, I was familiar with the fact that the gym seems a lot less crowded by the end of January. But I didn’t know that we coronated the breaking of New Year’s resolutions with an unofficial holiday. But some do, and today USA Today even ran a brief article on it.Apparently, the Second Friday of the new year is du...
5 x 52: A New Testament Bible Reading Plan for 2025
January 2nd, 2025
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!— Psalm 119:103 —But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”— Matthew 4:4 —Did you know that there are 260 chapters in the New Testament? I am sure I had learned this number before, but I forgot about until the other day. Yet, with this numerological epi...
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